Mevasseret Israel


Shalom from the Galilee, in Israel!

Dear intercessor and friend

Since the beginning of the war in October 2023, we have been hidden by God here in Migdal (“Tower” in Hebrew). Our region (as well as Tiberias and other communities near the Kinneret – Sea of Galilee) has been a place of refuge for thousands of evacuees from the far north of Israel.

 In Migdal specifically, the siren sounded only 2 times. The first on the holiday of Shavuot (Pentecost) and the second, last night. On Shavuot we were all at home and entered the security room. After the sirens stopped, we waited 10 minutes, as instructed by the government, as security, before returning to normal activities. In the middle last night, at 4:30, when the siren sounded, we carried our 3 boys to the security room which is the girls’ room, and there we stayed. By 7 a.m. everyone was already leaving for school.

This is life here in Israel, we do not get dismayed and we go about our routines, because the basis of terror is to destabilize the system and cause panic in the population. We have learned over these 9 years in Israel that we cannot bow our heads to terrorism, but face it head-on. As believers in Yeshua, we persevere in prayer and supplication against the powers and principalities, for we know that the fight is not against the flesh.

We believe in God’s care during this year and always, but we ask for your prayers for spiritual, physical, and emotional protection for us and our 5 children.

The worship song that our children like to play and sing the most is “Elohim lanu machase va’oz… ezra b’tzarot nimtza meod” – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in tribulation (Psalm 46)!


When the Lord brought us to Galilee in September of last year, we had plans to make trips to specific places in the north of the country to perform Prophetic Acts, as the Lord had placed in our hearts. In addition, we intended to rent a second house to receive volunteers from the nations who want to learn about Israel through the Jewish and Zionist vision by Jewish believers in Yeshua, participating in our Bible Courses and Tours, as well as our Prayer and Worship Meetings.

A month after our move to Migdal, war broke out. Many of the sites we intended to go for Prophetic Acts are today being daily targets of Hezbollah missiles.

Tourism has become almost non-existent. When we were about to receive a group of Brazilian intercessors from Europe, Iran threatened to attack us and all flights were canceled.

We have then understood that it is a time of preparation. We believe that the purposes of the Prophetic Acts and the House for the operation of the House of Prayer and Bible School outside our home will be fulfilled in His time.

The Lord in this time of war has raised up new intercessors in the nations, for our family and ministry. They have also been present in our zoom meetings every Saturday, learning from our teachings and being instruments in God’s hands to bless Israel.

At this season we have seen the Lord establish connections with special people here in the region. Through these connections we are seeing God’s favor in the Prayer and Worship Meetings in our home.

In addition, these connections have expanded our children’s ministry, which is something God spoke to us a few years ago through Rick Ridings (Succat Hallel), when we dedicated our home as a House of Prayer.

The prophetic word was, “You are called to reestablish the family altar. From the family altar will come the service to the Lord, the ministry of the House of Prayer. You are a Levitical family, your children will be strong worshippers and intercessors. Other Levitical families will join you for a corporate altar. Many of the nations will come and worship on this altar of worship, but the foundation, the root—the family altar, must be kept.” (watch the full ministry)

As a way of fulfilling this Word, He has led us to invest in our children through Bible Teaching, Worship, and Music classes. Other Levitical families have joined in this regard. Blessed be Lord!

Prayer Points

  • Keep praying for the purpose of another House for Mevasseret Ministries.
  • Pray for the teachers and children participating in children’s ministry (interest, anointing, availability, provision, dedication)


Still in Brazil, God had already spoken to us about using us to minister Inner Healing and Deliverance. We had the opportunity to study on this topic, as well as Spiritual Warfare, with Dr. Neuza Itioka and her team, for 1 year and a half, at the Agape Reconciliation Institute. 

In 2018, At Succat Hallel, Yehoshua was able to share his testimony of deliverance and we saw several people coming to us to receive one-on-one ministry.

He keeps bringing people to us who are wounded in the soul and in need of being set free. This month we were able to minister to a young Israeli woman through zoom, in this meeting we shared biblical bases that support the ministry of inner healing and deliverance, as well as personal testimonies that impacted and encouraged her.

Please pray that she will have the strength to stand and come to ministries in person. The enemy will not prevail over her life, in Yeshua’s name!

We have also ministered to brothers and sisters in the area of marital relationships. Pray for them, that the Lord will bring healing and restoration.



On Sukkot (Tabernacles) we will celebrate 14 years of marriage. Thank God!

We are praying for quality time as a couple. In these 9 years in Israel, we have never been able to take vacations or travel as a family, nor as a couple. As many of you already know, we don’t have close family here in Israel.

Likewise, we do not regret having surrendered our “family planning” to the Lord. Our children are the greatest inheritance we have!

Still, we really need some time, even if it’s just one night to celebrate these 14 years. The number 14 in Hebrew represents yad (hand). We have indeed seen His hand in every detail of our lives. Blessed be the Lord! Please join us in prayer that we may have provision for this time, as well as helpers to care for the children.

Support Us Through Prayers and Donations

Since a partnership involves a commitment to a long-term relationship, consider a monthly donation as well.

We pray that you will be blessed as you invest in what the Lord is doing in Israel through the support of your prayers and donations.

“For they were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings.”  Romans 15:27

Join us for the establishment of the New Mevasseret House of Prayer. Learn more through our project.

In the sublime and wonderful name of Yeshua haMashiach!


Yoshua e Shoshana – Mevasseret Israel