Mevasseret Israel

Israel and the Church

Restoring the Identity and the Covenant

"Hastening the Coming of the King"

By Shoshana Laniado Azadinio

Published on May 25 2020

Watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Shalom guys, we are here for our last chapter of this series, studying the Book of Ruth. It was a pleasure to be here, thank you for following us. We’re gonna make a review.

Remember the first video? We talked about how important it is to preach the good news to the Jewish people, how in the Gospel, Yeshua talks about going first to the Jew, because he cares about the lost sheep of Israel.

And we mentioned how small is the amount of Messianic Jews in Israel. So we talked about how important it is to review some things, to realign to the Bible, to our biblical roots, to understand the identity of Israel and the Church and the Covenant between them, in order to fulfill God’s plan, amen?!

So we talked about the Exile, how our sins, our iniquities have removed us from the land, but how God is so merciful and he brought us back and He still wants to bring his people back, because there are a lot of Jewish people in the nations. So it’s so important for the Church to understand about Aliyah, the return of the Jewish people to the land, to understand, to pray about it, to help the Jewish people.

So when the Jewish people are back in the land the gospel will go and spread throughout the earth so Yeshua can return.

And we also talked about the importance of the Church to follow Ruth’s example and not Orpha’s. How Ruth submits to the Messiah of Israel, how she learns with his servants and the relationship she has with  Israel and how she blesses Israel.

Today I want to read with you:

Ruth 4:13-17 “So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When he made love to her, the Lord enabled her to conceive and she gave birth to a son.

The women said to Naomi: Praise be to the Lord who this day has not left you without a kinsman redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel!

He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law who loves you and who’s better to you that seven sons has given him birth.

Then Naomi took the child laid him in her lap and cared for him. The women living there said, “Naomi has a son!”

And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse the father of David .”

So we see here this covenant brings forth the grandfather of David, the king of Israel.

The same way now, if we align, if we have a covenant that pleases our God, Israel and the Church.

We will bring forth the coming of the king – Yeshua haMashiach the King of glory!

Aba, thank you for this series, for teaching us through your Word, for renewing us in your Word, renewing our mind.

ABBA, and aligning us in this beautiful path through your Word , bshem Yeshua.

And we want through this learning Lord, to hasten the coming of the King of Glory, bshem Yeshua, Abba, amen?!

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Shalom shalom from Israel!